Are you ready to buy a new home? Have you asked and answered the important questions to get you going? We have a great questionnaire to begin with. Call, e-mail or text one of our agents for our fill-able form and we will partner with you to help you accomplish your home-buying goals. To find an agent CLICK HERE
Find a Lender
Get pre-approved and have the letter from your lender ready for when you find that perfect home
Find a Real Estate agent
Search for a home (the fun part!)
Visit Open Houses and tour homes with your agent
Submit an offer - We do that for you!
Get a home inspection - We do that for you, too!
Get an appraisal - Again, no need to stress and coordinate, that is our job!
Renegotiate - Do you see a theme? We are here to do all of this so you can focus on the move
Close the sale - And then we will be there with you at the closing table, right up until you get your new keys